Just today, I was trying to debug some code. After spending quite a bit of time (at least 30 minutes) doing things I usually do, including searching the internet, I decided to use ChatGPT for this purpose.

I’ve been using it as a search engine for a little while, but this was my first time using it for debugging code. The major difference was that I could give it feedback and tell it what was the outcome of its suggestions, something I can’t do with search. It took me less than 5 minutes to fix the bug and move on.

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Very insightful on a topic that is.....more than topical at the moment!!

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Telling that the most endangered cathegory that should get squeezed by AI is not even mentioned: GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES.

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That's mostly because there is no such thing as a government employee. Are you talking about judges, legal clerks, accountants, tax assessors, postmasters, teachers, etc.?

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This is excellent and thought-provoking. Thank you for the link to your various sources and resources. I am looking forward to following this up with some reflections of my own.

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Chat GBT prompt "Design and code a time machine so that I can visit 9 year old me and tell him:

1. Don't worry about doing all your English and Maths homework since all this will be done by computers. Just do enough so Dad dosen't give you the slippper.

2. Stick to your plans to be a fireman

3. Lawyers and economists will go the way of the dinosaurs (BTW dinosaurs will always be cool)"

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Many have been and likely will be injured by the improper use of tools

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