Thanks Joachim! Have you thought about applying this to your own writing? I also write and wonder whether I ought to translate any message I want to convey into a story. Or maybe newsletters are different because people don’t have time to read a whole story and just want the info?
I am trying to translate the academic research into a short story every day. Admittedly, the story isn't really entertaining every time, but storytelling is definitely part of what I do both professionally and with these posts.
Thanks Joachim! Have you thought about applying this to your own writing? I also write and wonder whether I ought to translate any message I want to convey into a story. Or maybe newsletters are different because people don’t have time to read a whole story and just want the info?
I am trying to translate the academic research into a short story every day. Admittedly, the story isn't really entertaining every time, but storytelling is definitely part of what I do both professionally and with these posts.
I bet that this applies to almost all school subjects - present them as interesting stories or narratives and the pupils learn more.