People who are politically leaning conservative are systematically less worried about climate change and more likely to be sceptical about the need to take action against climate change.
Interestingly counter-intuitive. Germany is blessed with very few natural disasters (earthquakes, erupting volcanos, tsunamis, hurricanes, locusts), and floods are mostly a pre-1970s phenomenon. And yet Germans take the subject very seriously (which of course doesn't mean they deal with it in an effective manner). Whereas Americans...
Does Germay take climate change seriously, or do they just talk a good game whilst still manufacturing polluting cars and jetting down to the Med twice a year for sunshine?
Somehow I remember the headline of a U.S. magazine cover from the 1980s: "Americans Thinking Thinner, Getting Fatter". It was about how the low-fat craze starting in the 1970s had correlated with a considerable net gain in obesity. In essence, how people talk the talk, but don't walk the walk (especially when they're fatsos).
Germans are similar in that they are all about holier-than-thou greeniness (looking down at the American's SUV culture, how the Chinese are building new coal plants, all other countries' lack of recycling, how the French can't kick the nuclear habit), all the while not decarbonizing one whit faster than anybody else (on the contrary).
impacted conservatives do not become liberals just because they want bailouts for just their specific situation. what would one expect if mar-a-lago gets flooded?
more recently, wealthy residents (insured or not) are refusing 75% value of land that has no chance of staying intact :
Here's to many more conservative and the corporate and financial elite suffering more natural disasters, and soon - it may well be our only hope. Mar-a-lago & the White House first please. Like AIDS research, it only got a boost when rich folk got infected. Why are humans so stupid...
Interestingly counter-intuitive. Germany is blessed with very few natural disasters (earthquakes, erupting volcanos, tsunamis, hurricanes, locusts), and floods are mostly a pre-1970s phenomenon. And yet Germans take the subject very seriously (which of course doesn't mean they deal with it in an effective manner). Whereas Americans...
They also buy insurance to insure against their insurance not insuring them, so I'm not at all surprised ;-)
Does Germay take climate change seriously, or do they just talk a good game whilst still manufacturing polluting cars and jetting down to the Med twice a year for sunshine?
Somehow I remember the headline of a U.S. magazine cover from the 1980s: "Americans Thinking Thinner, Getting Fatter". It was about how the low-fat craze starting in the 1970s had correlated with a considerable net gain in obesity. In essence, how people talk the talk, but don't walk the walk (especially when they're fatsos).
Germans are similar in that they are all about holier-than-thou greeniness (looking down at the American's SUV culture, how the Chinese are building new coal plants, all other countries' lack of recycling, how the French can't kick the nuclear habit), all the while not decarbonizing one whit faster than anybody else (on the contrary).
"And as you might have guessed, people become more afraid of natural disasters once they have experienced them first hand."
The young people call that "The Leopards Eating People's Faces Party" , and the current US administration one month in has already eaten a lot of their own supporters' faces.
You have taught me a phrase.
I will slip this into conversations whenever I can.
Oh, this is so good. I somehow have to work that into a research report
impacted conservatives do not become liberals just because they want bailouts for just their specific situation. what would one expect if mar-a-lago gets flooded?
more recently, wealthy residents (insured or not) are refusing 75% value of land that has no chance of staying intact :
Tried to email, but delivery failed. Could you check email address? Also tried to connect via LinkedIn -- look for invite from Theresa.
Here's to many more conservative and the corporate and financial elite suffering more natural disasters, and soon - it may well be our only hope. Mar-a-lago & the White House first please. Like AIDS research, it only got a boost when rich folk got infected. Why are humans so stupid...