I used to find Hello Kitty cutsey kitsch, but reading an interview in the FT with the CEO of Sanrio softened my stance considerably https://www.ft.com/content/370f5306-230c-11df-a25f-00144feab49a : "Unlike cartoon rivals from Mickey Mouse to Winnie-the-Pooh, Sanrio’s characters were not spun off from stories but designed to convey a message – something Mr Tsuji says is vital to their durability and global appeal. An example is Hello Kitty’s three characteristics. "The first is kawaii [cuteness] so she is loved by everyone. The second is her ribbon – a ribbon is something that joins people together, so it means friendship. The third is that Kitty-chan has no mouth – she has to take your hand and help you. Cuteness, friendship, helping each other: that is Kitty’s message,” Mr Tsuji says."

Some fun facts about her https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hello_Kitty : She is British and lives in suburban London. Her name was from Alice's cat in Lewis Carroll's "Through the Looking Glass". She has a twin sister Mimmy. "Her height is described as five apples and her weight as three apples." Sanrio was sued over her similarity to a Dutch cartoon character https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miffy . She herself has a pet cat named Charmmy Kitty, and a boyfriend named Dear Daniel.

P.S. I actually flew on the EVA Air Hello Kitty-liveried A330-200 pictured in the Wikipedia entry https://1drv.ms/i/s!At9od58qwtRehdRJi1tOyLbkRXmtBA .

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Hello Kitty is British and lives in suburban London?

This cannot possibly be true.

Source: I am British and from suburban London

....although from now on I will be decribing my weight by apples.

"Well doctor I've only put on seven apples since my last check up."

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Jul 6Liked by Joachim Klement

This comment may not be worthy of the value Klement on Investing offers. My latest impression of Japan was a Prime, one season series from Japan called THE SILENT SERVICE. Like Hunt for Red October but the Americans are the bad guys, coming off as arrogant and incompetent. Surprised me coming from our strong ally in the east. Maybe not typical.

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Interesting, I have to check that out.

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