Somehow, this brought to my mind Klaus Kleinfeld, ex-CEO of Siemens and Alcoa, maestro at shooting himself in the foot communication-wise. He'd smile while trying to blackmail his own investors. Indeed, what works for Tony Soprano doesn't (usually) work for CEO's.

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The below is from WSJ. Do you think playing a role in this analysis either by us or AI?

Similar findings hold true for every so-called universal facial expression of emotion. Frowning in sadness, smiling in happiness, widening your eyes in fear, wrinkling your nose in disgust and yes, scowling in anger, are stereotypes—common but oversimplified notions about emotional expressions.

In short, we can’t train AI on stereotypes and expect the results to work in real life, no matter how big the data set or sophisticated the algorithm. Shortly after the paper was published, Microsoft retired the emotion AI features of their facial recognition software.


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