'It is by now a well-established fact that many employees prefer working for ‘moral’ companies'

Middle class cuties who can afford the luxury.

Luxury Beliefs are Status Symbols


'My impression, and I think I am not alone, is that Millennials and Gen Z in particular are less focused on ‘making the most money’ and ‘having a great career’ than their parents and grandparents.'

Remember what they said about millennials' 'changed' nature after the gfc? When had to live at home with their parents...

While at least in the Netherlands survey after survey amongst students shows that they're NOT willing to sacrifice wages for an employer's ESG pretences.

The question in the BR survey should have been: are you willing to have a lower wage in exchange for ESG efforts cq pretences?

Of course these new career avenues are a new source of income and managerial opportunity for those who graduate particularly in alpha studies. As William Sumner wrote a century ago: the middle classes are masters at creating new jobs that 'help' someone (the poor) or something (the planet). Obviously it's the middle classes who will man/woman (or 'they'?) these jobs...

I don't think Schumpeter would have applauded these conversationalist roles...sustainability officer ('Guys, the gov subsidies for our solar panels have been approved!'), DEI offizier und so weiter und so fort.

Symbols of middle class virtue signalling and their ever more unproductive existence as they intellectually yet not professionally disappear in careers that are wrapped around saving planets and controlling their colleagues. But he certainly would not have been surprised. (Like Schumpeter Sumner also predicted the demise of capitalism but he was, like Marx, a bit off-target). Those jobs didn't exist a little while ago. While their impact...let's be quiet about that.

PS. How do we look at the immorality of tobacco and arms companies now that ESG pretence has cut EU weapons manufacters off of new capital needed to expand? While i guess those UA guys in the trenches really love their fags (the cigarettes i mean).

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Our young people are great, as a generalization. I am pleased to read they are attracted by. ‘ESG’ which shows idealism, and not gym memberships (silly, and taxable in UK). Demand for better wages for all is important, particularly the poor; inflation can be a killer for them. A hopeful article, JK.

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Interesting data. It would be great to see how many talented people are applying to such posts. In countries like Brazil where population is huge and degree holders are high in number - sheer number of applicants though may be a data point, the right experienced and talented professionals inclination to join based on such criteria would help decipher whether its the top talent or mid talent who are swinging to this criteria. A lot of places you may get woke gen Z and millenials who might not be in the top talent pool. Another perspective with no disrespect to any.

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