Joachim, appreciate the insight and I find this particular research interesting, mainly because I was just solicited by the director of Seeking Alpha to become a contributing member via a Twitter exchange. I tracked the link and the data the author is pulling is from 2012-2013. Obviously a lot has changed since then. I've also heard that SA will decline articles that are just a recap of earnings. Other people I know who have contributed at SA in 2013 had earning recaps declined because their focus wasn't forward-looking enough. Whatever that means.

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To my surprise, they found that articles with a lot of numbers in them were read through less often but shared more often by the readers that made it all the way through it. Initially, I thought that should be a good sign because articles with a lot of numbers in them may be better researched and better underpin the case they make. I keep reading latest updates on tejkohli.co.uk to make sure I am on right track. Thanks for sharing this article.

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