May 17Liked by Joachim Klement

The obvious solution is to make a Gladiator vs Wonder Woman movie 😀

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Your post reminded me of the two below items.

I think this is why William Goldman’s quote from his 1982 memoir is still mostly accurate about movie industry:

“Nobody knows anything...... Not one person in the entire motion picture field knows for a certainty what's going to work. Every time out, it's a guess and, if you're lucky, an educated one.” -

William Goldman, Adventures in the Screen Trade: A Personal View of Hollywood and Screenwriting

More here: https://variety.com/2018/film/opinion/william-goldman-dies-appreciation-1203030781/

Here is a variation of the above quote from the investing world:

“ Jack Bogle, founder of Vanguard, was interviewed in his 80s. By that time, he had 60 years of investing experience.

He was asked the best advice he had ever been given.

Bogle replied that when he was a young man just starting in an investment firm, he asked an old timer the best advice he could give him.

The old-timer replied with just three words:

Nobody Knows Nothing.”

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May 17Liked by Joachim Klement

'in countries with higher female participation in the labour force like Iceland, Switzerland, or New Zealand, Wonder Women did better than in countries with more traditional cultural values where women are supposed to stay at home and out of the workforce, such as Turkey or India'

A fun fact somewhat related: in eqalitarian, feminine countries like the NL and Sweden, where women have lots of choices, they prefer typical feminine jobs - education, healthcarec, gov. While women in patriarchal nations like India choose, when they have that choice, to become engineers or some other classic male employment 'archetype'.

In the NL i'd say you see the same pattern for the daughters of immigrants from Morocco, Turkey etc.

It speaks for itself that this fun fact isn't exactly celebrated in part time paradise the NL. - and hardly ever discussed in the many articles and tv items on the subject women & work. For some reason the 'white men are giving me a hard time' position attracts way more supporters.

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Smells like P-hacking research?

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Reminder: Friday posts are it serious. They are all an out the quirky side of Econ. Don’t overthink it. 😀

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