JB - Palihapitiya the new Warren Buffet. I disagree purely on the basis of the level Hubris. He is also trying to be a politician (i.e. incredibly talented guy who wants titles and be in the news).

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The Morningstar piece compares high-flying funds in 1999 and 2008 with funds that "crushed it" in 2020. The 1999 and 2008 funds were crushed by recessions and stock market crashes, while the 2020 funds flew high despite a recession and stock market crash. What happened to the 1999 and 2008 funds has no predictive value for what to expect with the 2020 funds, unless we have another recession and stock market crash in 2021.

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Joachim, was wondering what your thoughts were on prospect theory (i.e. investors are more afraid of losses than they are greedy for gain). How does this reconcile with investors doing nothing in a large drawdown whereas they complain/sack managers when the conservative fund manager underperforms in a bull market

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I just wrote another post on that topic that will be published in late March. But here is a paper on exactly that subject: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3779254

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