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Scraping media mentions online? Media & biodiversity no less? Really? That sounds like some real bad science...

How about scraping media & climate collapse/ catastrophe / breakdown etc? (Just one week of the Guardian's articles would suffice).

You can find a humongous amount of articles starting 2000 that predicted an unbearable 2020s, Well, so much for those predictions...

Academics & bio diversity? Again, look at the climate example. There, thousands of academics know damn well that a paper looking into something climate 'related' will likely get funded (whatever field the academic is in - we now know for instance that climate change is increasing the number of home runs in US baseball). https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/apr/07/climate-crisis-more-home-runs-baseball-study

The above isn't about science, it's about beliefs & fears. And a very interesting study just came out (the field of climate anxiety is well covered by now):

Environmental knowledge is inversely associated with climate change anxiety


'Hypothesis 1: Overall environmental knowledge is inversely associated with climate change anxiety.

Hypothesis 2: Climate-specific knowledge is inversely related to climate change anxiety.

Results of regression analyses (see Table 1) showed that overall environmental knowledge negatively predicted climate change anxiety (B = -0.09, p < 0.001), above and beyond the effects of demographics, environmental attitudes, and personality characteristics (see Fig. 1). Thus, Hypothesis 1 was supported: people who possess more (less) overall environmental knowledge experience less (more) climate change anxiety.

Moreover, scores of six out of the seven content domains were negatively associated with climate change anxiety in a separate analysis...The latter finding supports Hypothesis 2: people who possess more (less) climate-specific knowledge experience less (more) climate change anxiety.'

Finally, not unimportant: climate activism as therapy:

‘It could also be questioned whether climate change anxiety has only (and always) negative consequences or, under certain circumstances, may even lead to positive outcomes. For example, recent research has suggested that engaging in collective action to address climate change can buffer the effect of climate change anxiety on depressive symptoms (Schwartz et al. 2022).’

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