Another reason for a higher percentage of home-ownership is the lack of a good pensionsystem. For example, the Netherlands have a high share of their private wealth invested in pensionfund schemes (at the moment Euro 1.500 billion). Whereas people in countries like Italy or Spain have to invest in a home to create wealth for their own pension.

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That is very true. Many people here in the UK consider their home a pension savings scheme.

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With the current turmoil in the Gilts-market that’s quite a reason extra….😉

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Nicely written.

Not sure if European housebuilders are going to be a winner - declining and aging population, plus very restrictive building regulations in some places might spoil the fun.

In the UK many of the generation born 1910s didn't trust banks, investments or gilts. I can remember old people with their life savings at home in cash. This generation has died but no doubt we'll have similar quirks for future cohorts who've lived through 2008-2010 and Covid. What will our quirks be?

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