Sitemap - 2019 - Klement on Investing

Christmas economics

If you work so hard, why is your performance so bad?

The Virtuous Investor: Rule 18

The race for 6G

Do good and talk about it

The two pathways to creative success in business and investments

Tory landslide

The rise of the anarchists

The Virtuous Investor: Rule 17

People have a hard time understanding inflation

The best central banker of all time?

It is the season…

Father Christmas is a rubbish entrepreneur

How is that trade war coming along, Donald?

The Virtuous Investor: Rule 16

I have written a book. Please buy it. Pretty please?

How to incentivise the transition to electric vehicles

Do you want your employees to work more?

The chart that haunts me

The Virtuous Investor: Rule 15

A macro forecast of stock and bond returns

Real estate cannot move

Likely plus likely equals very likely?

A book that makes you think

The Virtuous Investor: Rule 14

Another look at commodities

Greenwashing everywhere

Taking a break...

Some powerful images of European politics

The Virtuous Investor: Rule 13

How far can inequality rise?

Global weirding


Forget about calendar anomalies

The Virtuous Investor: Rule 12

Property ladders

Do green bonds offer higher yields than traditional bonds?

I am not a Grumbletonian

When in doubt, blame the immigrants

The Virtuous Investor: Rule 11

Forward guidance does not influence inflation expectations: discuss

Navigating the ESG Rating chaos

It’s Super Saturday

England fans are strange

The bezzle

The Virtuous Investor: Rule 10

This is not how yield curve inversions work

We only have a limited amount of morality

The J-curve of parenting

Who drives stock markets?

The Virtuous Investor: Rule 9

The sad state of public pension plans in the US

The last straw

I like progressive extremism

The Renminbi is getting more important, but…

The Virtuous Investor: Rule 8

The impotence of the counterfactual

People aren’t happy about climate action

Looks matter – at least for CFOs

Niche consumption

The Virtuous Investor: Rule 7

Is this the reason why US profit margins remain so high?

The geopolitics of renewable energy

Don’t go to Romania if you are a hypochondriac

Can central banks still target inflation?

The Virtuous Investor: Rule 6

The cost of the trade war

Are we heading for war in the Middle East?

The impact of carbon taxes on stock prices

Pessimists have it better

Draghi pushes the string harder

Banking in a negative rate environment

The Virtuous Investor: Rule 5

Why I don’t write about smart beta

Fund managers in the South East of the US are facing a hard time

Sidewalk rage or how to plan a terror attack in London

Whose hair gets cut in a sovereign default?

The Virtuous Investor: Rule 4

Global house prices and the temptation of populist policies

Is the economic impact of climate change really that small?

The zombie idea that means you are paid too little and your boss is a jerk

Status Anxiety or: how our neighbours make us worse investors

The Virtuous Investor: Rule 3

When will value stocks perform again?

The simplest way to reduce your carbon footprint

The obstacles to scientific progress or: The Dead Parrot Sketch

Another reason why interest rates have to stay low for a decade

The Virtuous Investor: Rule 2

Machine learning is getting better, but has much to learn

The plot thickens…

An explosive business idea: bomb-backed securities

The Virtuous Investor: Rule 1

Are these two stocks good value or value traps?

The Virtuous Investor

The big risk of big data

Bringing a knife to a gunfight

I kissed a croc and I liked it

Weather forecast: Stormy with a chance of elections

Echoes of the Gilded Age. Part 2: Politics

Echoes of the Gilded Age. Part 1: Economics and investments

The future of robo-advisors, part 2

This does not matter

Conservative intellectuals are catching up to Trump

Loss aversion and insurance claims

A flashback to the days when I studied for the CFA exams

The Butterfly Effect: In praise of suboptimal portfolios

Could interest rate cuts lead to lower growth?

I work, you work, but WeWork won’t work

The carbon footprint of drinking

Europe follows the Swiss

How is Alaska? - Hot!

Welcome Boris! Now you have to deliver

The people get the leaders they deserve

An exercise in first-level thinking

The Russian banking supervisor is remarkably active

Green bonds are going mainstream

The competitive advantage of reading

Investor memory and the momentum effect

The decline of democracy

If you watch Netflix, you can’t complain about the rise of populism

The inflation trust game

Robo-advisors will grow - if they can survive long enough

What drives long-term bond yields?

Abgeschlossene Halbbildung

Nudge decay

Saturday, school holiday, and the sun is shining

The new EU leadership: Implications for the Euro and Brexit

Risk is path dependent

Finance professionals are just like you and me

Neuromarketing is getting better

The threat from BBB-rated bonds is overrated

The edge of democracy

The difference between contrarianism and stubbornness

Contrarian investing is hard

Forget curling, here is a much more exciting sport

Why why why was this article written?

Huawei reacts to the US sanctions

Securing a cheap mortgage

The most hopeful chart of the year

The surprising importance of Swedish twins

What goes around, comes around

Exodus or Exitus?

Leverage and the disposition effect

Past tail risk is not a good indicator of future tail risk

Those Millenials really have a tough time

Long-termism pays

We think we are poorer than we really are

The “No jerks rule”

Transaction costs

I think there is a future for nuclear power

The replication crisis

Market sentiment is shifting and that may favour gold

Car-free holidays

Putting the IPO boom into perspective

Investing in stranded assets

Is this what a junk rally looks like?

Facebook is like cigarettes


The Copernican Principle

Echoes of the late 1990s

Socially useless jobs

Beyond the tipping point in debt

"Idiocy of the masses"​ or "masses of idiots"​?

Sustainability and the behaviour gap

Who cares about ESG investing? Almost everybody

Bond investors are not pricing ESG risks

The race to disaster

What to do if you are angry about someone

On the signal and the noise

Value investors have to suffer - a lot

Don't believe the talk about the end of the slowdown

Preparation is (almost) everything

Jeremy Grantham was right (again)

US company profits remain in tax havens

Risk and uncertainty in the investment management business

The Swiss are prepared for everything

AI and automation provide few productivity gains: discuss

An explanation of cov-lite loans

I don't like meetings and I like the confirmation bias

The rise of Chinese off-balance sheet debt

How I do research

Yield curve inversions as a timing tool?

Americans increasingly alarmed about climate change

Are we spending enough on R&D?

The growing influence of "investotainment"​

Dodging a bullet on the pandemic front...

The colour not one you should use in a painting

Would you invest in these bonds?

MMT and inflation

The cost of Brexit revisited

The carbon intensity of asset managers and ESG indices

Gallipoli and the "English disease"​

China tightens the belt on Belt and Road

The difference between a good investor and a great investor

Patience and retirement savings

Patience is a virtue

The coming investment mega trend: climate change adaptation

Overoptimism in renewable energy forecasts?

Overoptimism and the earnings recession

Guyana's oil windfall

TikTok, TikTok, TikTok...

How to de-bias your media consumption

But what about inflation?

My 10 rules for forecasting

What can save retail?

An underestimated global risk

The new cold war with China

Unlucky cohorts

Olivier Blanchard asks an important question

Advisers eat their own cooking - unfortunately

MMT is likely to become more popular, so here is a brief introduction

Open letter to the British public

An investment of passion for small budgets

Dispersion and the ability of fund managers to outperform

Diversification is not about low correlation but high dispersion

The fading influence of the US Dollar in one chart

The link between Germany and China

Market Code

Isaac Asimov's Predictions for 2019

After Brexit ... the chaos will continue

It's been one year since Bitcoin peaked

Network propaganda

Inferring recession probabilities from the yield curve

Not all yield curve inversions are created equal

Is wage growth really going to stoke inflation?