Sitemap - 2020 - Klement on Investing

Let me ruin your Christmas

2020: Thoughts for the year

Don’t wait for the mortgage boom

Analysts react to incentives, too

Experience improves your memory – kind of

The truthiness of ESG criticism: Part 2

Embrace the dark(er) side

OK Boomers

Nothing new but still impressive

The rising importance of education

The truthiness of ESG criticism

Good looking CEOs

How much should you invest in annuities and equities in retirement?

Stuck in the 1980s

Maybe analyst recommendations DO add value

A modest proposal for product managers

My book on geopolitics for investors is available for free

When evolution goes wild: Kissing

Taxes as losses

Why is momentum dominating?

Why do people invest in stocks?

A new purpose for central banks?

When evolution goes wild


How bad is an increase in debt/GDP really?

Central banks killed currency trading


When video games raise insurance premia

Our tax ignorance

Don’t Put Yourself in a Corner

Don’t take the CEO job at a successful company

Exxon keeps trying…

A win for Republicans (but not Trump)

A reminder: My 10 rules of forecasting

What gets measured gets done, ESG edition

Democrat or Republican? – Pepsi or Coke?

Distorting the market

Who’s afraid of Jerome Powell?

Analysts: Is it better to have technical or social skills?

How to attract better-skilled employees for lower wages

High finance

Traders are different

Shock or crisis?

Finding the next Amazon

For once, this is not greenwashing

Haunted Houses

Whose money is it anyway?

Not even the Fed thinks its new strategy will create inflation

What volatility do investors experience?

Hidden liabilities

Britain should just stop participating in Eurovision

Should you buy a house to save for retirement?

Riding dead horses

This is how MMT could work

Climate change is going to kill us, but will we care?

Necessary, but not sufficient

The light at the end of the tunnel is very faint

Are older people saving more?

The higher you aim the worse you get

Apparently, ESG did work in the pandemic

CEOs are made that way

Top or flop

When economists make policy recommendations…

When politics trumps fundamentals

Should CEOs be outspoken about ESG issues?

Media and Covid – a missed opportunity

Where does the stimulus go?

Are finance practitioners getting more scientific?

Politics matters

Female leaders handled Covid better

I am so depressed my forecasts will be great

Combining factors in a portfolio

Chance encounters

Educated money

Brexit: Thelma & Louise edition

Why ESG matters: The case of sexual harassment

Ah... retirement

Inflation or no inflation?

The evidence is mounting...

Preventing fintech from becoming racist

Want to be happy? Flip a coin!

Thank God for zero interest rates



Financing the green recovery

The benefits of industrial espionage…are large

Inflation and the 1%

Why did stocks not outperform bonds for 50 years?

Value is not a ‘risk premium’

Can anybody catch up with Tesla in time?

The basic law of human stupidity

Activist hedge fund managers are great, but not at being activists

Knowing when to ignore the numbers

The future of factor investing…doesn’t look promising

Boohoo lessons for ESG investing

Does economics make you sexist?

Russia copies Mexico?

When the facts change…

How to measure value these days

Psycho bosses are bad for business

All roads do lead to Rome

The “I love me”-effect

Prepare to fight for democracy

The power of infrastructure

In praise of carbon capture and storage

They weren’t lazy, they were doing research

Forward guidance has made monetary policy less effective

I’ll give it a year…

You can only learn so much from a book

Engage, engage, engage

A fever in the body politic

Covid exposes bad governance

The cult of statistical significance

Breaking up is hard to do...but necessary

Women on the board, but please, the right women

Bankers are just like you and me

A slow-motion credit crisis in 2021?

It doesn’t matter how smart you are

Most companies underinvest in cybersecurity

If even the Americans support a Green New Deal…

The dog days of summer…

Shale oil companies aren’t in the clear

Main street, Wall Street and all the other places

Could this be the stupidest argument in the world of economics?

We are not investing enough in energy

Spotify should open a hedge fund

Are stock markets global or local – or both?

Free investment data and a new podcast

Take 15

It’s raining diamonds on Neptune

Markets are getting more efficient, or are they?

Are reckless CEOs born or made?

And you thought the finance industry charged a lot…

How Facebook and Google create a kill zone

The crisis that didn’t hit the middle class

How much better is the performance of ETF vs. active funds?

Will we learn the right lesson from this crisis?

Men are delusional

Micro-efficient, macro-inefficient

Re-introducing regulations after the crisis is not going to be easy

Improving momentum strategies

Social queues, part 2

Are intangibles the bane of value investors?

Forecasting the world after Covid-19

The optimal way out of lockdown

ESG investing in practice: Same return, lower risk

Social queues

What if this turns into another financial crisis?

Let your winners run

Career consequences of cooperation

The push for climate action is here to stay

Too much of a good thing

Long-term investors are skewed

Your everyday short squeeze

How to deal with bad ESG news

Should we fight the 1%?

Excess capital after a plague

Escaping the echo chamber

Manipulating consensus forecasts

Media matters for the share price

You can be too patient

UBI isn’t helping the poor

Not everything that counts can be counted

Lockdown effectiveness

A potentially fatal flaw in blockchain

ESG investments and the current crisis

Cheers – Part Deux

Are we going to abandon China?

When comes the political reckoning?

Robo-advisers are easy to blame

Contrarian analysts

The state of diversification is worse than you think

I knew it…

Finance, Bubbles, Negative Rates: The What Ifs . . . ?

The deadly reality of Covid-19 - corrected version

Competitive coordination in a pandemic

Sweden to abolish cash

The more you know a stock the worse your performance gets

On paperclips and shareholder value


Stock index weights are … different

Individualism kills

Is value dead?

Professional announcement

The cost of climate mitigation revisited

Your everyday price manipulation

What comes next and how to help

There is no law of gravity in finance

Invert, always invert – the Covid-19 edition

It's not (going to be) easy being green

Fed Quick Take: Throwing the kitchen sink

There are only two ways to survive these markets

Let’s not waste another crisis

Why are investors not paying for advice?

Should fund managers just stop touching their portfolios?

The difficult task of CO2 accounting

Assessing the oil shock

The economic impact of maps

How exceptional are current unemployment rates?

The models that won’t die

Fed quick take

Motivated reasoning in action

The most important paper to understand ESG investing

The make-up of the shadow economy

Avoiding the middle income trap in China

The decline of ethics

What to do with negative rates?

ESG investing is a moody thing

How to create a VC bubble in five easy steps

Is socialism good for the economy?

Dow 100,000

The shadow payment system: An ignored risk

Plenty of conventional funds are green

Welcome and updates

Don’t hire Barry White as your CEO

Enjoy the good economic data

Equity returns don’t compensate for downside risks

ICOs make IPOs look good

Divest or engage?

Smokers have worse performance

China, Coronavirus and the middle income trap

What is an asset class?

Investing in demographics is a stillbirth

Is there a green bubble forming?

The best ‘boring’ podcasts

Assessing the Sahm indicator

The Virtuous Investor: Rule 22

Stop worrying and learn to love momentum

Salience triggers action

Unsexy risks

Coronavirus: How bad can it get?

Let it gush or: Let it bleed, part II

The Virtuous Investor: Rule 21

Let it bleed

The investor’s fallacy – A comment

Measuring the shadow economy

The distribution of stock market returns

The Virtuous Investor: Rule 20

What drives valuations?

Who will be left holding the bag?

An offer I could not refuse

The yardstick matters

The Virtuous Investor: Rule 19

Is Brexit ‘certainty’ going to boost the UK economy?

Populist policies and the US manufacturing slowdown

Bonus: Ten things that will happen in the next decade

Ten things that will happen in 2020

Happy New Year 2020